I just ran into the site Academic Earth and was fascinated to find entire academic lectures available for free! The site is a collaboration between a number of prestigious American universities, each one sharing one or more videos of a lecture taught on their campus. Lectures can be search by subject, university, and instructor.
Looking though the site you will notice that some subject are more heavily loaded than others. There are quite a few lectures in the field of astronomy, but only three lectures under history.
The project reminds me of the OpenCourseWare project, a consortium that provides lectures and other educational material absolutely for free from universities around the world.
Happy Learning!
Acabo de tropezarme con el sitio Academic Earth, y quede fascinada al encontrar una cantidad de charlas académicas a disposición de todos y ¡gratis! El sitio es una colaboración entre un número de instituciones académicas bastante prestigiosas en EEUU, cada una compartiendo uno o mas videos de charlas ofrecidas en su institución. Las charlas se pueden buscar por medio de búsquedas de tema, universidad y profesor.
Mirando el sitio me doy cuenta de que algunos temas tienen una cantidad de videos, y otros muy pocos. Hay una cantidad de charlas sobre astronomía, pero solo tres sobre historia.
Este proyecto me recuerda al proyecto de OpenCourseWare, un consorcio de charlas y material educativo completamente originando de universidades alrededor del mundo, todo completamente gratis y al alcance de quien tenga acceso al Internet.
Bilingual Librarian » YouTube Edu
[…] I just love that these days all you need is access to the web to learn about pretty much anything and everything! This project reminds me of Academic Earth. […]
J. Miles
I should check your blog more frequently. The Academic Earth Web site looks extraordinarily promising. Thanks for the tip.
Wendy B
Have you seen this? University of the People
in the spirit of open learning and open lectures. I am interested to see how it comes along. They do mention employing librarians, which is a good sign.