I’m regularly looking for reliable legal document from Latin America and the Caribbean, and Justia Latin America is a great place to start. The documents they have depend on the...
A while back my father started asking about name disambiguationbecause he wanted to be able to run a search in, say, Google Scholar and come up with ONLY the publications...
¡Hoy domingo el famosísimo biblioburro llega al parquet de la 93 en Bogotá! Consigo traerá la campaña “Colors, los súper héroes de nuestra época,” campaña que resalta personajes de la...
Last week I was back home for the 24a Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá! I’ve attended this fair before as a kid, but this was my first attendance in...
Here are parts one, two, and three of a news report highlighting the impressive change the city of Medellín, Colombia has had in the last decade or so, and how...
Cada cuatrimestre la Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología de la Universidad de Antioquia publica la Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, dedicada a la bibliotecologia y la ciencia de la información con énfasis...
Mun2.0 “Vibración Positiva y Conocimiento” is a brand new radio program dedicated to the world of information and its management. The program is created and hosted by a group of...
Con ganas de celebrar el bicentenario de Colombia aquí recojo información sobre algunos eventos y colecciones que se han organizado en Colombia y virtualmente. ¡A celebrar se dijo! El proyecto...
Colombia Aprende is an educational site created by the Colombian Ministry of Education which aims at offering access to educational tools to anyone who has access to the web. The...
RevisteroVirtual.com is a relatively new site that offers online access to a number of major Colombian magazines. The site, which launched in 2009, offers access to about 30 titles, including...