Earlier this week I attended a lecture that addressed social tagging and its use to libraries. Today more and more libraries and archives are trying to make themselves more visible...
To celebrate National Library Week, Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) plans to introduce legislation that will amended the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide Perkins student loan forgiveness in order...
This week I got to visit the Framingham Public Library to see their Newcomer & Neighbors Center. The city has seen a large growth in their immigrant populations, and currently...
I just finished reading an article by Chip Ward, former assistant director to the Salt Lake City Public Library which tries to make sense of the public library’s role in...
Learning 2.0 is a program initially developed by the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (PLCMC), NC, which aims to encourage library staff to familiarize themselves with the variety...
I was just reading “The Case for Open Source: Open Source has Made Significant Leaps in Recent Years. What does it have to Offer Education?” by Miguel Guhlin, in Technology...
There is a good amount of discussion in the library world that revolve around how and if we want to make library services more like Google or Amazon.com. The belief...
This week I got to meet Dan Hazen, Associate Librarian of Harvard College for collection development, and what a treat it was! I was most interested in learning about his...
One of the things that I miss the most about living in the Bay Area is the enormous amounts of culture that I could easily access. Case it point, Fernando...
Library work is usually perceived as being practiced only indoors, but in developing countries the promotion of education, reading and books needs to happen wherever people are. This has lead...